Sunday, February 28, 2010

Naked and Nude

Read “Representing the Body” assignment; complete the summary & blog:
Summary: Set up two columns on a sheet of paper: one called “naked” and the other called “nude”. On one side, list the attributes Berger refers to as belonging to a “naked” image, and on the other side, list attributes that Berger refers to as belonging to a “nude” image.

Blog: Find a historical or contemporary image (in a magazine or on the Internet) that you could clearly describe as “naked” or “nude” based on the article you have read. Write a paragraph in which you 1) identify it as naked or nude, 2) describe the image, and 3) explain why your description qualifies it as naked or nude, based on Berger’s article. Include an image in your blog. Be careful! His definitions are probably different from your own. The “nude” is not a “classy naked lady”—it is the objectified state.


  1. Naked:
    Adam and Eve: eating an apple
    Naked women looking in a mirror
    Naked woman giving her submission to her owner’s demands
    To be oneself
    Be without disguise
    A fantasy

    A form of art
    A gesture
    A pose
    To be seen naked by others
    Have surface of one’s own skin,0.jpg

    The picture I choose is a picture of Britney Spears, pregnant and naked on the cover of a fashion magazine. Going by what Berger has stated, this would be classified as nude. Berger talks about “nude” being a pose, or gesture but on the surface of one’s own skin. In this photo, Britney is clearly “naked”, one would say but she is covering certain areas on her body defining it more as a nude photograph. A naked photo, Berger describes as being without a disguise, which would be a picture of Britney without her hands covering certain areas. What I love about this modern photo is, back in Berger’s age you don’t find photographs of nude pregnant women. Today, this is looked at as beautiful. And of course Britney is always beautiful!
    Paige Landry

  2. I chose the painting Naked Maya by Francisco de Goya, 1797. Although the painting itself is called Naked Maya, I consider the painting to be of a nude woman. The painting consists of a Caucasian woman posed in the middle of the painting, completely naked, making eye contact with the audience, on top of a white lace tapestry bed. By Berger’s standards, the subject would be considered nude, because of the fact that she is completely naked and is posing in the painting. The subject is not hiding herself, or attempting to conceal herself with props or objects in the photo. She is consious to the fact that she is naked and that she is being viewed by others. Another characteristic to distinguish this painting as nude is the idea that this is a realistic painting, not fictional, mythological, or fantasy. The painting is also considered a work of art, or fine art, confirming that it is a nude painting.


    This photo is an advertisement for PETA, where Chloe Kardashian is posing nude. The point this advertisement is supposed to make is that Chloe would rather go nude than wear animal fur or animal products. This is considered a nude photograph rather than a naked photograph because Chloe is posing, she is covering parts of her body, she is nude for a purpous for this advertisement. Naked would be if Chloe had no disguise, and no purpous or pose. I like this photograph because it not only gets the clear message across for PETA but I think that Chloe looks very classy in the photograph and it does not come across to me as a pornographic photo just because Chloe is essentially naked.


    I chose this advertisement from PETA and there are girls who walk around naked with signs against the fast food restaurant KFC. According to Berger they would be considered nude not naked, because they have a purpose and they are not just walking around naked in any kind of dirty way. They are covered up by the signs and are proving a point against KFC. I like this ad because it really catches peoples attention when they see someone naked and they will look at what they are advertising. Peta has done a great job with their advertisements and do a great job of portraying nude not naked.


    I chose a photograph of Jennifer Aniston. She posed for a GQ cover and spread wearing only a tie. She is covering herself and sitting in a tasteful way where you can't see anything. This photograph would be considered nude because Jenn is covering herself and posing her body. She had the photograph taken for a cover, therefore she is taking a nude photograph for a purpose. Jennifer Aniston is beautiful, so there can be a sexual side to the photograph, but she is presented in a classy way and looks great. She has done other photographs such as this that help represent nude, not naked.

  6. Naked: To reveal everything. No cover-ups. To be without clothes.

    Nude: A form of art. Posing. Covering up private areas. Allowing the viewer to only see what you want to be seen.

    The picture I chose is of Mario Lopez in People's 2008 issue of Hottest Bachelor. This picture is clearly a nude. Mario is posing, he is clearly aware of the camera being there. He is greased up, freshly shaven, tanned and well put together because this form of art was obviously staged and well planned out. He is covering up the part of his body that would unacceptable to expose. I chose this picture because first of all he is clearly a man. We see women "naked" and posing all the time. It is very rare we see men naked in the media unless its for an underwear advertisement. I also chose this picture because it relates well to the article considering how the article talks about a man's appearance. Berger says that a mans worth is based on his presence is based upon the power he exerts. Mario is a beautiful, fit, strong man and there is a reason why they asked him to pose for the article. They wouldn't ask a skinny wimpy looking actor, or an unattractive larger actor to pose for this because their presence does not promise power.

  7. Naked- in a natural state of being.

    Nude- to be objectified, therefor you become nude.

    I chose this traditional painting to exemplify the naked state based upon Berger's definition in his article "Representing the Body." According to his explanation of being naked v.s. being nude, this picture represents a women in a "naked" state. She is not posed, nor is she being objectified in a way that makes her subservient to the viewer. The painter captured her in a natural state while she is bathing herself at what I presume to be a bathhouse. Neither of the women are looking at the viewer, and there seems to be no suggestion of submission. This suggests that it was painted in such a way that it was not meant for any mans pleasure or prize.

  8. naked is defined here as without disguise, adam and eve, and the mirror. Nude is defined as provoking a strong sense of relief, the form of a dress, art, photographs, poses, and gestures.

    I remember seeing the new peta ad set up in NYC showing bethany frankel, a reality star, be the new face of petas campaign against fur. This photograph would be classified as 'nude' because this woman is posing for a cause. The nudity is her form of a dress, stating she would rather be naked than wear fur. With the whole nyc skyline background it looks like she's meant to be 'taking over the world' in her new skin. It also provokes a strong sense of relief to those people who are truly for the peta campaigns against fur, because they see this woman naked on top of NYC, standing for a cause.

  9. Nude- The person is aware of the camera and is posing specifically to intrigue the audience. They are nude for the purpose of being looked at.

    Naked- A person who is naked is simply in a natural state. They are not looking or flirting with the audience, not inviting them to look just simply being as they are.

    In this photo we see a woman standing naked looking out a window. I would consider this a "naked" picture. The woman is unaware of the audience and is simply performing an everyday action without clothes on. Nudity requires the subject to be submissive to the audience, like she is offering herself to them. In this piece the woman is in a natural state and is comfortable without being sexual in any way. The woman is not posing but standing naturally as she would at any other time.

  10. The photo i chose is a "nude" because the woman in the photo graph is acknowledging that there is a viewer behind the camera and is posing in a way that she is being objectified. Where as a "naked" picture would have been just in a natural state.

    The girl in this photograph is standing up, fully nude, her hands placed in areas that suggest she might have them moving in a more provocative area of her body. her face almost looks like a dear caught in the headlamps of a fast moving vehicle as she looks surprised and submissive.

  11. Nake: mind of the beholder, with out clothes,reveal one self.

    Nude: Form of art, on display, a form of dress, an object wanted.

    this image is nude because the woman knows she is nude and is showing it off showing her body of to the survery. The woman is on display all to see. the nude woman is in a pose that shows off her body not because she knows she is beautiful but to show other people how beautiful she is. The woman is making her self availble so she is also nude in that sense. She chose to use her body to be looked at not to be naked as a life choice or just to be naked but for her own personal gain and others people enjoyment.

    This image is of a young lady laying down on a couch in a room that has a large window and person passing by can see into. the woman is laying down, one leg is up a little and she is showing off her chest and legs. the woman also has a top had covering most of her face especially her eyes but not her mouth.

    This description fits the article because the image follows the guidelines of being Nude. the guidelines that nude is an art and is seen by the beholder and is suppose to be display. that being nude also means your also in a dress of some sort. the dress being your nude body.

  12. The basis of the article is about the difference between “naked and nude” and how art first presented nudity. Adam and Eve were the first “nude/naked” to be painted and this trend became a form of art. European, Indian, Persian, and African art all started portraying naked women and men. The theme of these works soon became a sexual attraction and the form of the human body transformed from beauty into sexual connotation.

    To be without clothes
    Adam and Eve
    Submission to the owner’s feelings or demands
    To be oneself
    No disguise

    A pose
    Form of art
    A gesture
    To be seen naked by others and recognize it yourself
    To be on display/a form of dress

    This painting is a “naked” painting. Although the female may seem like she is posing, she is actually unaware of the fact that she is naked. The female is looking out her window like it was a normal routine and she is not taking notice to the fact that she is naked. She is unaware that others see her naked because she is not posing for attention. She is simply being herself, living her life leisurely without clothes.

  13. Naked:
    -Naked woman looking in a mirror
    -To be oneself
    -No cover ups
    -To be without disguise

    -Purpose of being looked at
    -To be seen as naked by others
    -Form of art

    The photo I chose is of Lindsay Lohan who would be considered “nude”. She is clearly posing for the camera and only showing parts of her body that she wants to show. Because she is clearly posing for the camera and is disguising parts of her body, she is not in a natural state and therefore could not be considered “naked”.

  14. Naked
    -Without disguise
    -no cover-ups
    -Adam and eve
    -submission to owners demands

    -a pose
    -purpose of drawing attention
    -form of art

    I choose a photograph of Miley Cyrus from the Vanity Fair magazine. I chose this photo because it caused a lot of controversy in the news. Miley knows that she is posing for a photographer and has covered her front and lower half with a sheet, Although not really naked, the media dubbed these "the naked photos of Miley Cyrus." Since shes posing and not being caught in a natural state as well as not revealing anything sexual this photo would be classified as "nude" not "naked".

    The image I chose is an advertisement for Dove. It has an older woman sitting sideways with her arms crossed around her legs. I would consider this image nude because the woman is using her arms to cover the different parts of her body. The woman knows she is naked and is aware that people are looking at her body. She isn’t being objectified in any way. This image celebrates her age, confidence and happiness with herself even at an older age.
